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  • Lessons from 1959

    Namgyal from Free Tibet explains the resistance of 1959 and how it gives hope for Tibetans todayRead more
  • 10 March: the story of an uprising

    The story of a Tibetan refugee’s family by Kalsang BhatiaRead more
  • Tibetans face restrictions ahead of Tibetan Uprising Day

    Tibetans in eastern Tibet banned from traveling to other parts of Tibet until AprilRead more
  • Tibetan political prisoner released after nine years

    Gangbu Rikgye Nyima was released a year early due to poor health resulting from tortureRead more
  • Three Tibetan teens arrested, and one tortured for failure to register WeChat group

    A photo has emerged of Dadul, one of the students, with two broken legs.Read more
  • Tibet ranked as the least free place in the world

    US organisation releases its latest report on freedom in the worldRead more

Students For Free Tibet

Tibet and Syria the least-free countries in the world: Freedom House report 2021. CTA’s Human Rights Desk releases short video reviewing human rights violations in Tibet in 2020. February 22, 2021. A Tibetan tour guide dies from prison injuries in Driru, Tibet. Our vision is a free Tibet in which Tibetans are able to determine their own future and the human rights of all are respected. We campaign for an end to China's occupation of Tibet and for.